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2. Coffee Bean World Map_19Coffees_TrebuchetMS13&12_75%.JPG

Coffee World Map image by Gordon Johnson via Pixabay

Flavour & aroma notes of chocolate truffle, black forest gateau & blackberry...

plus apple & cascara as the coffee cools.


Country: Peru
Region: El Lirio, Cajamarca

Estate: Finca San Francisco

Process: Anaerobic Fermentation
Varietal: Tabi
Altitude: 1800 metres above sea level


Finca San Franciso is a family-run coffee estate led by Consuelo Rubio and her two daughters, Blanca Flor and Roxanna.

They take meticulous care and a scientific approach to growing coffee and their chosen experimental processing technique, anaerobic fermentation. Their particular process involves placing freshly picked coffee cherries in the oxygen-free environment of sealed airtight GrainPro bags to ferment for 40 hours. This controlled environment makes it easy to monitor the important variables of temperature and pH level, which in turn ensure a consistently high-quality cup.

Post-fermentation drying takes place in elevated mesh trays in the shade for 36 days.

Anaerobic fermentation can impart distinct characteristics, giving rise to unique and exotic flavours that are not commonly found in natural or washed processed coffees.


The Tabi varietal was developed by Cenicafe (the Colombia Coffee Research Institute) after 25 years of research using the Bourbon, Typica & Timor varietals as parent material. It displays the positive cup qualities of all three, but with a much stronger resistance to the devastating disease, leaf rust.

The name Tabi means ‘good’ in the Guambiano (a native Colombian tribe) dialect.

Peru ~ Consuelo Rubio

PriceFrom £3.95
  • £3.95/100g ~ £7.90/200g



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