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2. Coffee Bean World Map_19Coffees_TrebuchetMS13&12_75%.JPG

Coffee World Map image by Gordon Johnson via Pixabay

Flavour & aroma notes of chocolate, dried fig & bourbon biscuit...

with the addition of black cherry as the coffee cools.


Country: Mexico
Region: Chiapas

Process: Washed
Varietal: Anacafe 14
Altitude: 1400-1550 metres above sea level


In 1988, Don Ricardo Ibarra undertook the conversion of the family cattle farm into a finca 100% dedicated to coffee, and throughout the ups and downs of the Mexican coffee sector, Ricardo has continued to invest in the development of his land and its infrastructure. Finca Nuevo Mexico is today one of the most modern and innovative fincas in Chiapas, in terms of coffee processing capacity and environmental impact. It is Rainforest Alliance certified and supplies 100% of its energy requirements from renewable sources.


The first Anacafe 14 coffee trees were introduced at Finca Nuevo Mexico in early 2017 as part of the overall plantation management plan. As a natural hybrid of the Pacamara and Catimor varietals, Anacafe 14 offers a unique combination of high resistance to coffee rust and drought, while offering a very rich aromatic profile. In the face of growing climate change impact, more and more farmers now turn to this new varietal, following the path paved by Finca Nuevo Mexico.


When harvest comes, the perfectly ripe coffee cherries are manually selected and delivered to Nuevo Mexico's washing station, where they are floated, sorted and pulped. The coffee beans are then fermented without water for 24 hours, before drying in an open air patio for 10 days until they reach the desired humidity level of 11.5%.

Mexico ~ Don Ricardo

PriceFrom £4.49
  • £4.49/100g ~ £8.98/200g



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