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2. Coffee Bean World Map_19Coffees_TrebuchetMS13&12_75%.JPG

Coffee World Map image by Gordon Johnson via Pixabay

Flavour & aroma notes of honeysuckle, almond & light maple syrup.


Country: India
Region: Chikmagalur, Karnataka
Farm: Krishna giri

Process: Fully Washed
Varietal: Chandragiri
Altitude: 1,600 metres above sea level


Krishnagiri's washed coffee follows the traditional washed process. The coffee cherries are handpicked and at the end of each day's harvest, they pass through syphon where the floats and green beans are separated. Following which the ripe cherries go through the Pulper and the skin and mucilage is removed. The beans are then moved to the drying patios where they are dried in natural sunlight for 7-10 days depending on the weather. The coffees are raked regularly and covered in the evenings.


Legend has it that a fakir, Baba Budan, smuggled seven coffee beans on his journey from Persia to India and planted those seeds on a mountain, now called Baba Budan Giri, situated along the Chandradrona Hills. The lush green Krishna Giri plantation may well have originated from those seven beans that grew to be amongst India's first recorded coffee plantations.

India ~ Krishnagiri

PriceFrom £3.49
  • £3.49/100g ~ £6.98/200g



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